Steph Curry's Battle with Keratoconus: Overcoming Vision Challenges to Excel in the NBA


Steph Curry, an NBA icon known for his impeccable shooting and court vision, faced a significant hurdle early in his career when he was diagnosed with keratoconus. This article explores how keratoconus affected his vision, the treatment steps he took, and how he managed to stabilize his condition to continue performing at an elite level.

Understanding Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition where the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This distortion can lead to significant visual impairment.

Causes and Symptoms

Keratoconus often starts in the teenage years and can progress into the 30s. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include:

  • Blurred or distorted vision

  • Increased sensitivity to light

  • Difficulty seeing at night

  • Frequent changes in prescription glasses or contact lenses

Steph Curry’s Diagnosis and Its Impact

Steph Curry’s diagnosis of keratoconus came as a surprise and posed a substantial challenge to his basketball career.

Initial Challenges

Curry began experiencing difficulties with his vision, which affected his shooting accuracy and overall gameplay. The condition made it hard to focus on the ball and maintain clear vision throughout fast-paced games.


After noticing persistent vision problems, Curry consulted an eye specialist and was diagnosed with keratoconus. Understanding the nature of his condition was the first step in addressing his vision issues.

Treatment Steps for Keratoconus

Once diagnosed, Curry embarked on a comprehensive treatment plan to manage and improve his vision.

Prescription Contact Lenses

One of the most common treatments for keratoconus is the use of specially designed contact lenses. These lenses help by:

  • Providing a smooth refractive surface to improve vision

  • Correcting the irregular shape of the cornea

Corneal Cross-Linking

Curry underwent corneal cross-linking, a procedure that aims to halt the progression of keratoconus. This treatment involves:

  • Applying riboflavin (vitamin B2) eye drops to the cornea

  • Exposing the cornea to UV light to strengthen the collagen fibers

  • Stabilizing the cornea and preventing further bulging

Sports Vision Training

In addition to medical treatments, Curry engaged in sports vision training to enhance his visual skills. Sports vision training includes exercises to improve reaction time, decision making skills, eye-hand coordination, focusing, and tracking abilities.

Prognosis and Stabilization

The prognosis for keratoconus varies, but with early detection and proper treatment, many individuals can manage the condition effectively.

Monitoring and Regular Check-Ups

Regular eye examinations are crucial for monitoring the condition and ensuring that the treatments are effective. Curry's proactive approach with frequent check-ups helped in keeping the condition under control.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Adopting certain lifestyle adjustments can also help in managing keratoconus:

  • Protecting eyes from UV exposure by wearing sunglasses

  • Avoiding eye rubbing, which can exacerbate the condition

  • Using prescribed contact lenses consistently

Long-Term Stability

With the right combination of treatments and regular monitoring, the effects of keratoconus can be stabilized, allowing individuals like Curry to maintain good vision and continue their professional activities.

Steph Curry’s Resilience and Success

Despite the challenges posed by keratoconus, Steph Curry’s dedication to managing his condition and improving his vision has been exemplary.

Achievements Post-Diagnosis

Since his diagnosis and subsequent treatment, Curry has continued to excel in the NBA. His shooting accuracy and court vision remain top-notch, demonstrating that with proper care and determination, keratoconus can be managed effectively.

Inspiring Others

Curry’s journey with keratoconus serves as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges. His story highlights the importance of seeking timely medical intervention and adhering to treatment plans.


Steph Curry's battle with keratoconus showcases his resilience and commitment to his craft. By taking proactive steps to manage his vision, Curry continues to shine as one of the’s brightest stars. His journey serves as a powerful reminder that with the right approach, even significant obstacles can be overcome.


What is keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition where the cornea thins and bulges into a cone-like shape, leading to distorted vision.

How did keratoconus affect Steph Curry’s vision?

Keratoconus caused blurred and distorted vision for Curry, affecting his shooting accuracy and gameplay.

What treatments did Steph Curry undergo for keratoconus?

Curry used prescription contact lenses and underwent corneal cross-linking, along with vision therapy to manage his condition.

Can keratoconus be cured?

There is no cure for keratoconus, but its progression can be halted and vision improved with treatments like contact lenses and corneal cross-linking.

How can athletes manage keratoconus effectively?

Athletes can manage keratoconus through regular eye check-ups, using prescribed lenses, undergoing necessary treatments, and making lifestyle adjustments to protect their eyes.


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